Tag Archives: philosophy

How I strive to live my life…Inspired by Richard Yates comments on Future Shock

Richard Yeates (a fellow blogger) writes about the book future shock in his blog…. I read the book in high school and felt very disturbed. For a while I wondered what was the point of trying…. Then I figured, I would get a technical education and stay on top of the heap…I would wonder if there was a future for me and any children I might have…. I wondered what would happen to the people as their careers became obsolete…. Sometimes I still get frightened… Sometimes I think everything is but a house of cards, ready to fall… But then I go back to the philosophy I strive to live by….

I live my life as if I matter, because I do….

I raise my sons for a future, because I must believe they have one…

I plan for the future, because I must believe I have one….

I strive to make the world a better place, because that is my obligation as human (and as a Jewish woman)…

I try to place in value in everyone I meet, because (with a very few exceptions) they have value…

I do not put myself above or below others, I know my value but the others have value too….

I live my life according to the values and traditions of my people but I value other peoples traditions because they also have value…

I could go on but this is the philosophy I live by…..

If I had thrown in the towel when I read the book I would have accomplished nothing….I would be stagnant….I would not have grown….Food for thought…

Debbie Holmes

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(208)761-2551 Email: d5holmes@msn.com

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