Tag Archives: sellers agent

I am really mad at CBH homes

I am mentoring another agent.  Her client is trying to build a new home from CBH homes.  They walked into the office and worked out the contract with the CBH agent the terms of the contract.  The sellers agent wrote the contract up with $1500 in the design studio (for upgrades).  We never had a chance to set the terms of the offer since it was complete and our clients had agreed to those terms.  Our clients signed the offer and they countered taking away this money.   This seems to me to be bait and switch.  If we had asked for this it would have been fine for them to counter but they wrote the contract not us.  I am advising that we counter with that money in.  The kids are afraid of losing the contract but they really could use the money so they can have things a house SHOULD have standard… Like a non shallow sink…. A closet door…. A 6 lb carpet pad….

Inspection in the rain.

Today it is time for the great reinspection…. Frankly I am nervous.  We have had over 1 inch or rain fall in Boise…. First as snow then as rain…. It is a soggy mess in Boise…. Any faults will be revealed today… My seller has fixed and disclosed a lot of items… But have not been tested because we need rain to test…. I would have preferred the rain to have come some other day….It would have been nice to test the new gutters, skylights, etc…. before the reinspection… So we will see what today brings….

Now as a Realtor my favorite time to look at property is in the rain… It started in upstate New York… My mother and I were looking at property on a very rainy day…. There was a stream running through the basement… When the agent asked what I thought of the home I replied “very nice except for the stream in the basement” .  Since then I really appreatite the rain.  If I was the buyer I would be happy about the inspction in the rain.

As an agent when my client complains about the weather I smile and tell them all the faults will be revealed… This is the best time to look at homes!  You can find the moisture intrusion…. The leaky roof… The flashings that don’t work… water intrusion…. I have walked into listings that had water dripping in the kitchen when it rained…. The inspector doesn’t always find these things when it hasn’t rained….

Last year I gave my buyer her keys and noticed water in the garage….This had been the first rain in a long time… I felt awful… Thankfully the gutter was full of leaves and it hasn’t leaked since…So while I am not happy today this inspection in the rain will reveal all the faults….  Pity I am the sellers agent…. We think we fixed all the problems today we will find out….