Tag Archives: Thanksgiving

Make sue you are mentally there when writing an offer….

OKAY I can write this because I know I am a good agent. I write good clean offers without a lot of questionable jargon. On Wed. I wrote a doozy…..The other agent must think I am an idiot….Not sure what my clients think…I have egg on my face….

First of all Wed. was a busy day for me….Two of my kids were coming home and I was not on task. My clients just had their 8th offer rejected. A gorgeous home that they should have re-bid on. It is gone now….

When they heard about the rejection, instead of rebidding without the closing costs or upping the bid to include the closing costs, they wanted to see a home they had seen before. I took them to the home and it just wasn’t as nice as the other homes but it was a little cheaper. They decide to bid…. They tell me where they want to place the bid and I am really annoyed. I am sure that I am about to write the 9th rejected offer….Not only that I am a diabetic and my sugar is doing a dive… I don’t feel to well…. It shouldn’t be to hard to write the offer, submit and start getting my kids from college.

By the time I get to my offer I am driving dangerously. I had to run home first because my computer was at home…My buyers are waiting for me at the office. I am going to have to write the offer in front of them while I am not feeling well. I run into the break-room and grab some of the left over Cinnamon buns (something I never eat) to help raise my sugar. I am not even manipulating my computer correctly….

I eat the bun and hope for the best….I try to be careful….I even make sure they look at it closely because I am not feeling well. If you have ever experienced a sugar low you know what I mean….Its like someone took 50 IQ points off me….We write the offer….I submit it…I let the other agent know….Great! Now I get food and drive to Caldwell to get my youngest.

Lets see I forgot to check no for all cash offer, I included seller paid costs of a survey, well test, septic test, water potability test, etc….I meant to check NA for not applicable…. This means right away they have to counter….I offer to rewrite it but he says its almost Thanksgiving he will handle it with a counter….I did confess I was not feeling well when I wrote the offer…There were a few other mistakes but nothing as serious… It might make the other agent think I am not the expert I am… It puts me in a poor bargaining position…

The only thing I could have done different was to suggest that we get lunch before we wrote the offer….I could also have begged one of my colleagues to look at the offer since I felt so off when I wrote it….I thought I looked it over…I just saw what I thought I wrote….

By the way I am expecting a complete contract before noon today….figures crossed….

Signing off a really great agent who was sick and distracted….

Kids are home….price reductions complete…offer in….turkey defrosting….watching star wars….

Today the offer was rejected.  The clients were onto the next one with a low offer.  I think I must be frustrated with them….When they told me the price I smiled and said “lets write the 9th offer that will be rejected”.  Maybe I am wrong but I don’t think it will be accepted.  People don’t usually go $10K lower in the first few days of a listing…. We gave them until Saturday.  They still don’t understand that rushing the last clients during Thanksgiving weekend wasn’t wise.  I told them that they probably could get their price in a week or so….Just not today… The whole time I wrote the offer I talked about the real virtues of the other home and counseled waiting a week and resubmitting the offer.   Well by 1:30 PM the  frustration was over…The offer was signed and delivered. 

I also made small price reductions on my listings to put them forward for anyone searching the mls after the turkey.

 College of Idaho

Next to get my kid from the College of Idaho…I got stuck in traffic (very unusual in Boise) and went to Caldwell.  While in Caldwell I had a telephone call thanking me for my article (letter to the editor) that was published.  Yeah!  That was convenient.  I could pick up a print copy while in Canyon County.  Then I went to check on a rental of mine.  The windows were so clean that they shined!  I went up and peeked in and the floors looked gorgeous (I traded a deposit for floor refinishing) and the walls had a beautiful neutral color on them.  I was so happy that I found my business partner (who works part time in the local hardware store) to tell him.  I showed him my letter to the editor.  Turned out his co-workers had read it earlier and liked it.  I was feeling pretty good as I took my son (who seemed to be ill) home. 

Grandpa Allan and Jon

We got home and cleaned a little then went to get my middle son from the airport.  It is so good to see him for Thanksgiving!  We went home and I made a cheese fondue and we ate one of the two pumkin pies….It seems that I forgot to put the sugar in the pie…oops….Well we sprinkled sugar on the pie like it was cereal.   My Dad and Step-mom showed up after dinner and we had a nice conversation.  Then I skyped (video called) my oldest son and girlfriend in China.  It was almost like they were here.  The family felt complete.  Even the dog contributed.  

Now my turkey is having its bath in water to defrost… And the guys are watching Star Wars and I am blogging.

The day started out tense but it is turned nice as I was able to turn inward towards my family.

Tomorrow I hope to have a real estate free day….I really like Thanksgiving…




  Debbie Holmes

Gold Key Real Estate     Company logo

(208)761-2551 Email: d5holmes@msn.com

To search Boise Homes visit my website

Thanksgiving is coming…My children our coming home…My pies are baking in the oven….

Thanksgiving is coming and 2 of 3 sons are coming home.  The eldest is in Beijing and he and his GF are going to celebrate with peking duck… The middle one has been in Cambridge for the last four years and is now at RPI for graduate school and is coming home….The youngest is at a freshman at a liberal arts college near home….

I ran around buying food that my boys like and planning menus…..Today I actually was domestic enough to make my pie crust from scratch….They are baking while I write this…My dad and stepmom and her sister will join us for Thanksgiving….

As I write this I realize I have a lot to be thankful for….

I have a husband who loves me and thinks me pretty (even though I am fifty and a bit fat)…

I have son’s who are making progress towards their goals…

My son’s are all men to be proud of…

My stepmom recovered from her horrible complication to surgery and we have her….

I find my work rewarding….

I have really good friends who care about me….

I have a son who thought I would make a good Congresswoman…

My family is healthy…

My husband and I aquired a great housemate (grad student from England)…

The old dog stopped peeing on the carpet …

I get to make the holiday for my family and my husband even peeled the apples…

I have a wonderful extended family…

We own our home and can pay the mortgage on all our rentals…

I have food and shelter and do not want for things  ….

When I put the the key in the ignition the car starts….

All in all I feel that things are pretty good.  Yes of course we could use more money…It would be nice if we owned a car with less then 110000 miles on it…It would be nice to have more clients…..